So M&S are upping their game by stocking the first ever carbon neutral bra! After becoming the first major retailer to sell Fair-trade clothing back in 2006 Marks and Spencer have lead the way on ethical retailing within the major fashion retailers. Marks and Spencer are reducing energy by a third and manufacturing with solar energy and hydroelectricity in Sri Lanka, then the rest of the carbon dioxide produced during the manufacturing process will be offset by planting 6,000 trees.
Selling at the reasonable price of £22, for something that is carbon neutral is fairly reasonable but daring and ethical as it appears, I can't help feel a little cynical about this and it definitely starts an interesting debate......
Does this mean that if I took a flight over to Sri Lanka, I could then plant a few trees to make up for the carbon dioxide burnt? And how long does it take for these trees to mature? But then again, it is setting a good example to other manufacturers and using renewable energy in a factory is better than nothing at all.
Read the article here: M & S Carbon Neutral Bra
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