Did you know:
- 2 million tonnes of clothing is purchased per annum
- The fast/ discount fashion sector makes up for one - fifth of the UK market
- 1 million tonnes of unwanted clothing is discarded per year, 50% of which ends up in landfill
- 90% of UK clothing is imported
- Of the 2 million tonnes of clothing waste, only 16% is currently re-used or recycled
I am not denying that here at the ThriftyCouture office we aren't victims of the 'fast fashion' movement, but with these astonishing statistics in mind we will definitely think twice about how often we will wear the item before buying.
Follow the link for further reading: Centre for remanufacture and reuse
Hello there, may I know what's your source for the stats above? I may need it for my persuasive speech, thanks, if you can let me know please email me at zhenweiyap93@hotmail.com